Our #PeopleFirst Response to Supporting People in Ukraine
ManpowerGroup stands with Ukraine, with Ukrainian People everywhere, and for peace.
Our people’s safety and wellbeing is always our highest priority. Our teams on the ground, in neighbouring countries, and all across the world are providing extraordinary support through donations to aid humanitarian relief efforts, volunteering, job support and more.
ManpowerGroup is committed to supporting the people of Ukraine – through financial relief aid, on the ground humanitarian efforts, employment support and more.

What is ManpowerGroup Doing To Support the Ukrainian People?
Supporting Humanitarian Efforts
Globally we have announced a $500,000 donation to aid humanitarian relief efforts through local and global organisations including UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. This donation will support efforts on the frontline to deploy relief items, provide cash assistance to those impacted and to support child welfare.
We are providing direct, immediate humanitarian support on the ground
– our own employees are volunteering their time and resources gathering emergency supplies, clothing and food, providing safe transport for women and children, and some are even opening their homes to provide shelter.
We are locating and supporting our impacted Ukrainian
associates across Europe and working with our clients to provide our people with financial assistance and early pay to enable safe transit out of major cities and danger zones.

Helping Integrate Ukrainian People into the Workforce
We are working to integrate refugees into society and the workforce in their new country, through our work with UNHCR and in our ManpowerGroup regions on the ground, providing upskilling and reskilling opportunities and more.
We are adapting our Manpower MyPath associate upskilling program to accelerate refugees to be ready for new roles; assessing, training and coaching those that need it, and finding assignments fast for those people ready to work right now.
We are working with clients to review hiring requirements to fill vacancies and open job opportunities, and adapt roles – especially for women who make up a high proportion of the refugees.
We will work locally with refugees offering professional advice and support: CV writing, interview support and general advice to support them into the workplace
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Register Your Interest in Hiring Ukrainian Refugees For Your Company
For companies looking to offer employment opportunities, please provide your contact information and we will get back to you as soon as possible. ManpowerGroup Ireland are receiving employment support requests from newly arrived Ukrainian people on an ongoing basis from a variety of working backgrounds. We are actively reaching out to clients and associates companies to identity work opportunity for our candidates and aim to match clients and jobseekers wherever possible.
Register your interest by completing the form below and we will get in touch with you.

We thank our employees for their continued generosity and participation in these efforts.
We will continue to be agile in our response and extending our expertise and resources in helping refugees find work, to resettle, reskill and find meaningful work.
This page will be updated regularly to reflect ongoing developments. We are deepening our commitment and efforts to work together on challenges that none of us can solve alone.
We are committed to rising to the moment, guided by our values and to being One ManpowerGroup – because we believe meaningful and sustainable employment has the power to change the world.